UEMS/EBNM Committees

On-line Application Forms

The accreditation system is a modular system:
You should apply first for accreditation of your department and if you wish also in the same step for accreditation as Training Center.

If your department fulfils the criteria for an accreditation, in the next step we check your application for an accreditation as Training Center.

To be certified by the European Board of Nuclear Medicine as a Training Center the department has to fulfil certain objective criteria concerning staff, equipment, number and spectrum of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, teaching and quality control, others are optional.

In summary, this means:
Departments that apply for accreditation as nuclear medicine department will be accredited as:

1- Department for Nuclear Medicine
2- Department for Nuclear Medicine and Training Center, if they fulfil the additional criteria as Training Center

Therefore the UEMS/EBNM Accreditation Committee provides an optional application form for Training Center after completing the application form for Department.

Accreditation of Nuclear Medicine Department

(that is followed by the optional application form of Training Centers)

Application Form for Nuclear Medicine Department

Application Form for Training Center