Certificate of Fellowship of the European Board of Nuclear Medicine

The European Board Certificate in Nuclear Medicine proves that the candidate’s knowledge and ability in Nuclear Medicine satisfy European standards. The European quality recognition is optional and does not interfere with the national requirements for specialization in Nuclear Medicine.

About the exam

The European Board of Nuclear Medicine examination consists of two parts:

Part 1 – MCQ exam: Written online exam with 140 multipe choice questions. Five possible answers, only one answer is correct. No negative markings for incorrect answers.

Onsite online web-based, one session per year. Duration of the exam is 150 minutes. Detailed information on the format is sent out to eligible candidates previous the exam.

Part 2 – Oral exam: Only those that have successfully passed MCQ examination are eligible to sit oral exam session. One oral session per year, takes places on two days during the annual congress of the EANM.

Important notice: Please be aware that both parts of the FEBNM Exam need to be done within 2 years! Should the time between the successful MCQ Exam and the Oral Exam be longer than 2 years, you need to redo the MCQ Exam!

Language: The multiple choice questions and the oral examination have to be taken in English.

Preparation Session: A preparation session will be held before the oral exam. It is not compulsory, though recommended, to attend this session in order to get knowledge about the format and content of the exam.

Application for the exam

Applications will be reviewed only if complete information according to the list above is submitted. The deadline for application for the 1st part (web-based MCQ) is as indicated on the application form.

Candidates who have completed specialty training and have obtained the title of Nuclear Medicine specialist may take the full exam. They will be awarded Certificate of Fellowship of the European Board of Nuclear Medicine when they passed the MCQ and oral exam.

Those candidates at the last year of training may also take the full exam (MCQ and oral exam). However, they will not be awarded Certificate of Fellowship of the European Board of Nuclear Medicine until they have obtained the title Specialist in Nuclear Medicine approved by their national health authorities.

Candidates may apply and sit for the written exam (MCQ exam) only if they have completed at least 2 years of the training requirements necessary for their specialist qualification by their National Board. It is however recommended to take the examination not before the last year of training.

For those taking the exam during training, a certificate of being trainee or a signed letter by the head of department/training office should be added.

Instructions for the application

Please make sure that you include all requested papers. Any application without the required documents duly completed and received will not be reviewed and taken into consideration.

  1. Please fill in the application form correctly.
  2. Full Curriculum vitae with a recent photograph should be sent.
  3. Certificates and official documents of the training should be added. All official documents must be translated into English (translation of the official document stamped by the University, Hospital, etc. is acceptable) and sent together with a copy of the original document before the deadline.
  4. A detailed list of types of procedures performed in Nuclear Medicine according to the Syllabus should be attached.
  5. Once all the mandatory documents have been provided, the Examination Board will review your documents for eligibility to sit the exam.
  6. When your application has been approved, you will receive a confirmation e-mail that you can take the exam.
  7. Payment of the examination fee should be paid within at least 15 days before the exam.
  8. After the payment a confirmation for the receipt and further needed details about the exam will be sent.

Suggested bibliography

The below listed journals and books are only recommended to prepare the exam but candidates should be up to date with recent literature and particularly clinical guidelines published by societies such as EANM or SNMMI.


European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Clinical Nuclear Medicine
Seminars in Nuclear Medicine
Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Medicine Communications


Clinical Nuclear Medicine – Biersack, Hans-Jürgen, Freeman, Leonard M.
Nuclear Medicine, The Requisites – Harvey A. Ziessman, Janis p. O’Malley and James H. Thrall
Pediatric Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging – Treves, S.t

UEMS Diplomas authentication

The UEMS has established a procedure to facilitate the recognition process of the Diploma you passed which is the following:

  1. Applicants send to the UEMS Office (Ms. Carratala, Rue de l’industrie, 24 – BE-1040 Brussels, Belgium) the following documents:
    • The original UEMS Diploma (Please note that only diplomas issued by UEMS can be authenticated)
    • Copy of the UEMS Diploma
    • Copy of valid ID or passport
  2. Applicants send a scanned copy of his original diploma and ID by email to lise(at)uems.net with details of postal address to which we will return the signed document
    • Please put as title of email: “Authentication of UEMS Diplomas – SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS”
    • Provide details on the date you passed the exam and specialty
  3. The UEMS Office will then contact the organizers of the Examination to confirm the applicant has indeed passed the Examination.
  4. The UEMS Office will organize a meeting with the Notary to have the confirmed Diplomas signed.
  5. The UEMS Office will then send back the Original Diploma to the applicant or to someone duly mandated.

It is the applicant´s responsibility to send the Diploma to the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to have it legalized and follow the requested procedure.

The administrative fee for this procedure is € 95,0 (ninety-five euros). The sending of returning Diplomas by registered post is also at the candidate´s charge (€ 40,00 to € 50,00 depending on countries). Once the Diploma is signed, we will issue an invoice and ask you to pay by bank transfer. Once the payment is received, the document will be returned.

You can download all relevant documents
Information on the Certificate of Fellowship of the European Board of Nuclear Medicine
Application Form – Certificate of Fellowship of the European Board of Nuclear Medicine
European Board of Nuclear Medicine – Multiple Choice Questions
ETR – European Training Requirements (May 2017)


UEMS/EBNM Secretariat
Schmalzhofgasse 26
A-1060 Vienna
Austria, EU

+43-(0)1-890 44 27
+43-(0)1-890 44 27-9